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Cécile Boccara – France

Since twenty years Cécile Boccara established her presence in the international fashion world by working for the Haute Couture Fashion Shows of world famous luxurious brands such as Valentino、Roger Vivier、Armani、Kenzo、Christian Lacroix、Schiaparelli and Bertrand Guillon. In 2009, Cécile Boccara opened her first boutique in Paris, 8 Passage du Grand Cerf. The brand is known for creating delicate, ethereal accessories and jewelry. With an extensive background in Haute Couture, the designer brings her masterful edge to her eponymous label with each piece designed and meticulously assembled by hand in her Paris workshop.

過去二十年來,著名法國巴黎珠寶手飾設計師Cécile Boccara曾為衆多高級時尚品牌的高訂時裝秀製作手飾, 如 Valentino、Roger Vivier、Armani、Kenzo、Christian Lacroix、Schiaparelli 和 Bertrand Guillon。並已在國際時尚界打響了一定的知名度及地位。 2009 年,Cécile Boccara 在巴黎8 Passage du Grand Cerf開設了她的同名手飾品牌工作室,該品牌以手工造的珠寶手飾而聞名,其設計及造工精細而又富飄逸感。憑藉其在高級時尚界的深厚經驗及背景,設計師將她的精湛技藝帶入了她的品牌當中,每件作品均於她的巴黎工作室設計和純手工製作,獨一無二。

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